
Ahmed, a student in Grade 12, is gay and has come out to his classmates and teachers. Many are supportive but he still feels some tension from others. A couple of his classmates confided in him that they too are gay or lesbian. The end of the school year is approaching and there is much talk about Prom night. Ahmed and his other LGBT friends feel alienated by all the talk about which girls and boys will be going to the Prom together. With help from a supportive teacher and their school’s Gay-Straight Alliance, they contacted some LGBT students from a neighbouring school and have decided to organize a joint LGBT prom, feeling braver by doing it together. Since it involves another school they worked with their teacher to petition the school board and principals for permission. As graduation date approaches, they are still waiting anxiously for permission to hold their LGBT Prom Night.

Ahmed and his fellow LGBT students are finally given permission to hold the LGBT Prom Night with a neighbouring school. His teacher approaches him with the good news, and explains that the lengthy decision-making process was due to the board’s lack of policy on this issue. The board has launched a process to develop a policy and Ahmed’s teacher and principal have asked for their school to be consulted. Ahmed has been invited to help organize a consultation process to gather the ideas of LGBT students in his school.