Please find COPA's new Consent Guides for Students, Parents and Teachers here.
Created as part of a provincial initiative, Respect for You and Me provides information for students to prevent sexual assault. The Guide includes definitions of sexual assault, rape culture and consent and explains how students can develop healthy relationships, supportive friendships, resilience, and be an advocate for peers experiencing sexual assault.
Created as part of a provincial initiative, Respect for You and Me provides information for parents and caregivers to prevent sexual assault. The Guide includes definitions of sexual assault, rape culture and consent and explains how parents and caregivers can support children and youth empowerment, reinforce resilience, and offer collective support to young people.
Created as part of a provincial initiative, Respect for You and Me provides practical, hands-on strategies for educators to prevent sexual assault, based on student empowerment. The Guide includes definitions of sexual assault, rape culture and consent and explains how educators can build empowerment, model resilience, use intervention strategies and work with communities to create a culture of consent and establish healthy relationships.